Friday, April 27, 2007

Recall of pet and dog food could expand

According to an article in USA Today more pet-food makers could join the four that have already recalled cat and dog food which set off a panic among pet owners throughout the country.The FDA continues to track where contaminated wheat gluten used in pet food went after it was exported to the USA from China. The contaminant, melamine, is not allowed in food but is used in Asia as a fertilizer, the FDA says.
The number of confirmed pet deaths linked to recalled food remains at roughly 15, but there are unconfirmed reports of many more.This is causing anxiety to many pet owners who are not sure what to pick at the supermarket for their pets.

If you have questions and need to talk to someone, the Menu Foods has a consumer hot line at 1-866-463-6738 and 1-866-895-2708. The FDA is asking those with sick or dead pets to call FDA state complaint coordinators. A list of contacts for such coordinators is available at

Here is a list of more deadly ingredients to look out for if you have to buy commercial dog food.
Otherwise homemade dog food are simple to make with easy dog food recipes available here.

Click here to see a video on Pet Food Recall Frustrations.

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